Contact Advanced Airport Lighting

Postal Address

PO Box 625


0418 273 484

Online Enquiries

Advanced Airport Lighting is a company created to provide all airports throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria with comprehensive backup for their runway lighting needs.

Our staff and consultants have the appropriate training and qualifications required to both maintain and install all airfield lighting equipment.

We can supply and install all necessary equipment to ensure that your runway is kept operating in an effective and safe manner.

Some important qualifications held by our staff that sets us aside from others include:

  • Qualified Pilot
  • ARO (Airfield Reporting Officer)
  • Licenced Electrician

Together these qualifications allow us to provide a very comprehensive supply and installation service for all airports.

All installations and equipment used by Advanced Airport Lighting is fully MOS 139 Compliant (Mandatory Operating Standard) and CASA approved.

Mark Siegert,
